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Advanced Tutorial.

How to edit an existing Q&A-list.

Click on the button. The new view will show all the entries in the Q&A-list.

To edit an existing entry, double-click on the appropriate line and make the changes in the dialog that will appear.

To delete an existing entry, click on the appropriate line and then click on the button.

To add a new entry, click on the button and enter new question and answer.

To get back to the Quiz View, click on the button.


How to create a new Q&A-list.

Click on the button. You will see the Q&A-list Editor with an empty list. Add new Q&A-pairs by clicking on the button and entering question and answer in the dialog that will appear.

To get back to the Quiz View, click on the button.


Using predefined wrong answers.

Starting with Quiz-Buddy 3.4, you can associate a number of wrong answers with any question. Please click here for details.

Import from text files.

You may find is useful to be able to insert Q&A-list entries from a text file. For instructions on how to use this feature click here.

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